Meeting to consider SB 849, SR 164, HB 941, and HB 1598

Senate Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee

Tuesday, September 21, 2021 | 11:30 a.m.

East Wing, Hearing Room 8E-A

Meeting to consider SB 849, SR 164, HB 941, and HB 1598

Call to Order

Consideration of Legislation

*SB 849 (Stefano) (Title 51/ Military Affairs:  Veterans’ Preference Clarification)

*SR 164 (Robinson) (Concurrent Resolution:  Urges the U.S. Navy to designate Philadelphia as the site of the U.S. Navy’s 250th Birthday Celebration)

*HB 941 (Burns) (Military Personnel – Residency Status for Students:  Ensures In-State Tuition for Deployed Military Families)

*HB 1598 (Boback) (Flood Plain Management Act:  Places Administration under PEMA)

            Amendment #02261 (Stefano) (Deletes duplicative language in the Administrative Code)

III.  Adjournment

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